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Randy Armstrong & Genevieve Aichele
World Tales, Volume II
CD cover
4.75 x 4.75 inches
Randy Armstrong & Genevieve Aichele
World Tales, Volume II
"Irish Countryside"
Photo credit:
Van McLeod
6.6 x 10 inches
Randy Armstrong & Genevieve Aichele
World Tales, Volume I
Photo credit:
Ralph Morang
4 x 6 inches
Randy Armstrong & Genevieve Aichele
World Tales, Volume I
Photo credit:
Ralph Morang
8.6 x 12.8 inches
Billy Teare: Irish Storyteller
World Tales Volume II
1.9 x 2.4 inches
Billy Teare: Irish Storyteller
World Tales Volume II
1.7 x 2.5 inches