Other sites of interest

National Publicist
Armstrong & Aichele: World Tales
Beth Blenz-Clucas
Sugar Mountain PR
5505 SW Illinois Street
Portland, OR 97221-1643
TEL: (503) 293-9498
FAX: (503) 293-9434
Email: bethpr@msn.com


New Hampshire State Council on the Arts -- The State Arts Council is a publicly funded agency within New Hampshire's Department of Cultural Affairs. It began in 1965 with the passage of a law designed "to insure that the role of the arts in the life of our citizens will continue to grow and play an ever more significant part in the welfare and educational experience of our citizens."

New Hampshire Theatre Project -- Genevieve Aichele is Artistic Director of this non-profit organization which serves as a liaison between professional performing artists and the New Hampshire community.

Randy Armstrong -- See Randy's Web site for information on his solo albums and other projects.

Genevieve Aichele -- See Gen's website for information on her other projects.

SeacoastNH.com -- Learn all about the New Hampshire Seacoast, where Genevieve and Randy live.

YouTube.com -- Watch video excerpts from Armstrong & Aichele's World Tales.


© Armstrong & Aichele
PO Box 128 • Dover, New Hampshire 03821 USA
Tel/Fax 603-664-6768
Web www.armstrongandaichele.com
Email info@armstrongandaichele.com

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